SAPCEBEL - Euclid Among the Top Awardees at the Astro Awards 2024

Organised on January 13th and 14th in Austin (Texas, USA), the Astro Awards 2024 event honoured the most inspiring, innovative and important spaceflight and space science missions of last year.

Launched from Cape Canaveral (Florida, USA) on July 1st 2023 to explore dark energy and dark matter – the most hidden mysteries in cosmology until now – ESA’s Euclid telescope was nominated for such an Astro Award.

SPACEBEL has considerably contributed to this innovative Space observatory with the development of the Euclid control and data management unit application software, which controls the spacecraft and all its sub-systems, including the payloads. What’s more, it is one of the most complex software systems realised by SPACEBEL to date.

During the show, ESA’s Euclid team received a trophee for the groundbreaking achievement they made in the field of Space exploration in 2023.

A wonderful recognition for all stakeholders involved in the success of this exciting mission, including the SPACEBEL Euclid team!


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