Call number
Smarter @irborne Technologies
Axes stratégique
Économie des données, Intelligence Artificielle
Space Applications & Systems / Drones
Thales Belgium (leader)
TAS Belgium
Gillam FEI
Barco Silex
M3 Systems
Research bodies
UCL, ULg & UNamur
Total budget
6,4 M€
Project type

Research and developments proposed in this project « S@T » address important trends in the Aeronautic and Space sectors :
- For Aeronautic domain, the project is directly related to the smarter and more electrical aircraft and to the generalization of electronic systems and communication systems complying with the aerospace standards;
- For the Space sector, this projects aims to finalize the research and to increase the strong position of Wallonia in the time / frequency domain.
To face these new challenges and to take advantage of new opportunities offered by these markets and to capitalize maximum gains from TELECOM project (previous Skywin project), it seemed logical for the various actors active in Wallonia in these areas to work together and to quickly obtain new applications :
- Compact PHM, MASER miniature cavities,
- Simulation tools and models for radios airport communications environment,
- Blind HMI: Human-machine interfaces for "blind-use" of more and more complex systems in a critical environment.
- Development tools for FPGA and Embedded SW in line with certification rules
- Test methodology and tools for electronic components compatible with radiation effects (SEU/SEL)
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