HYPERViz, a ScanWorld initiative focussing on hyperspectral imaging representation

HYPERViz is all about a new and intuitive visualisation of hyperspectral images. Funded by MeidaFutures, Europe’s virtual data-driven innovation hub gathering start-ups, SMEs and artists in the media value chain, the HYPERViz project has been set up by ScanWorld in cooperation with the artistic Studio Frederik De Wilde (Antwerp – Belgium). This joint initiative ultimately aims at making complex satellite data accessible to the general public on a global scale.

Nowadays, more than ever, Earth observation satellites play an important role in the understanding and regular monitoring of our planet against the background of climate change and sustainable agriculture. Hyperspectral imagery – ScanWorld’s DNA – brings a major technological breakthrough with a considerable increase in potential applications related to environmental management in the spirit of the European Green Deal.

However, current visualisation tools for geospatial data are not suited to capture the complexity of hyperspectral imagery. Hence the need to create innovative solutions in order to graphically display these 4-D data involving latitude, longitude, time and spectrum.

Starting from two case studies – agricultural soil quality on the one hand and marine pollution on the other hand – HYPERViz wants to provide a Google Earth style digital experience built upon multi-layered imaging of hyperspectral data. Besides a dedicated Web interface for experts, a more artistic and immersive virtual reality visualisation tool will be developed for the general public.

Read more about ScanWorld : www.scanworld.be



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