GML : innovative solutions to fight infectious diseases

Global Mobile Lab (GML) is a commercial spin-off of the B-LiFE (Biological Light Fieldable Laboratory for Emergencies) project originally developed with the European Space Agency. Bringing a diagnostic capability, as close as possible to the crisis area, is an essential element for emergency response during epidemics and pandemics.

The integration of space assets with a mobile biological laboratory brings new capabilities to fight infectious diseases. Real time diagnostic and reporting to cut the transmission chain of epidemics is possible with the integration of satellite telecommunication. Satellite imagery is also critical to build epidemiological maps. Our team has a proven track record in addressing health crises, as demonstrated by its successful involvement in the Ebola mission in Guinea and in the Covid 19 mission in Italy.

GML is providing mobile biological laboratories, fully equiped with all necessary instruments and biosafety equipment, to support medical infrastructures and bring diagnostic capabilities to areas affected by health crises. Full logistics support is provided by GML. A training from a University Reference Laboratory is also provided.

GML has developed and is providing new tools and services for health crises and emergency response : the integration with space telecommunication of Next Generation Sequencers for genetic identification of infectious diseases and new capacities to identify hereditary diseases.

GML has also designed and is providing new biosafety level 3 gloveboxes which are light, easy to transport and can be decontaminated, responding to ISO 10648 standards.


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