🚀 Full topic descriptions for Call 3 for Proposals are now available & Info day in Brussels on 4 March

It’s out! The full description of topics for Clean Aviation's Call 3 for Proposals is now available. Don’t miss this chance to explore the key areas driving the future of aviation innovation.

Explore full topic descriptions here.

Important! The current version now available is provisional. The final version of the Work Programme (WP) will be made available and published upon its adoption by the Clean Aviation Governing Board. See provisional WP here.

The registration to the info day in Brussels (White Atrium Building) on 4 March is now open. This info day is a hybrid event and organized by CAJU:

The JU highly recommends (in-person) participation in this event because there will be a dedicated 1-1.5h Q&A session only for the SRG (and potentially NCPs) after the official part of this info day. 

In summary, on 4 March:
•    Official Call 3 info day (hybrid), 10:00 -13:00
•    Q&A session only for SRG (and NCPs), 14:00 – 15:30 max


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