Discover how Earth Observation data can revolutionise your business !

Earth Observation (EO) from space covers a wide range of data and parameters relevant to many objectives and users, including health. Indeed, EO and space technologies can contribute to forecasting, monitoring and management, at global, regional or local level, of the followings :

> Vector-borne and water-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue fever, West Nile fever, cholera and communicable diseases such as Ebola, polio, foot-and-mouth disease...

> Exposure to stress factors such as poor air and water quality and extreme heat can be detected from space, helping to mitigate the effects of non-communicable diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, asthma and respiratory illness.

> Emissions and discharges of listed substances resulting from the manufacture of medicinal products (inside and outside the EU), as well as from the use and release of medicinal products and substances into water, air and soil.

> Monitoring medicinal plants.


Why is this important for your business?

Space may be the missing element in your strategy!

Recent innovations offer the possibility of deploying more and more capacity (EO satellites) around the Earth and creating more and more precisely a near-real-time "digital twin" of our planet for the benefit of its inhabitants.

Earth observation not only helps to manage pandemics and health risks, but also :

> Make it easier to obtain and maintain marketing authorizations, by contributing to clinical and post-authorization studies, environmental risk assessment (ERA) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) programs.

> Generate savings during vaccination campaigns.

> Help estimate drug and vaccine demand, doses and team sizes, and demonstrate the value of investing in immunization and vaccine coverage;

> Help predict, manage and mitigate the effects of multiple diseases.

> Contribute to the One Health approach, i.e., an integrated, systemic and unified approach to public, animal and environmental health.

> Contribute to greater health equity.

> Contribute to sustainable development goals as defined by the United Nations.


The Skywin and Biowin cluster would like to set up the following tools to help you understand these possibilities: 

The creation of a Living Lab "Space4OneHealth :

> An innovation ecosystem centered on user needs and based on a co-creation approach involving several stakeholders (users, public & private players, and research centers)

> A permanent working group whose initial actions will focus on the use of Earth Observation for "One Health".

It will aim to

  • Help biopharmaceutical companies assess the potential impact of space technologies, develop their strategy for unlocking the potential of this field, and determine how to participate in / benefit from the space ecosystem.
  • Set up an event to raise awareness and share best practices.
  • Consider appropriate policies, governance and cooperation frameworks to seize this opportunity.
  • And, ideally, create cross-functional collaborative projects.

> Set up a specific, free training course with our partner RSAT to explain in just a few hours the benefits of Earth observation for your sector (


In practical terms,

Could you register your interest in this dynamic via the following link to help us to organize a first meeting in the next month.



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