Clean aviation forum

During the two-day Forum, we will showcase innovative research powered by Clean Sky, and discuss the ambitions of the new Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking. We will paint a picture of how the future of aviation will look, and how we can reimagine the industry to achieve climate-neutrality by 2050. The Forum will bring together European industry leaders, research centres, SMEs, and universities, as well as representatives of the European Commission, the Parliament, and the Member States.

Key themes

  • 2022 is an exciting and hopeful year – as we emerge from the pandemic, the aviation sector is taking off once more.
  • The EU and the whole aeronautics sector have put measures in place for a green recovery – and we need to harness the current wave of enthusiasm for maximum impact.
  • We need to act fast – there’s no time to waste, target dates are drawing closer by the day.
  • This is perfect timing for the launch of Clean Aviation and the First Call – the whole aeronautics sector is on board this flight to climate-neutrality!
  • COP26 reemphasised that climate-neutral aviation is not just a ‘nice to have’ – it is a ‘NEED to have’. It is crucial for the survival of our sector and key to protecting our planet, to leave a clean and healthy world for future generations.
  • Clean Aviation is a new and focused programme, building on the blocks that were already created in Clean Sky 1 and Clean Sky 2, while exploring synergies with other EU, national and private aviation research programmes.

Join us for two days of re-imagining the clean aviation of the future!

Participation is free but registration is mandatory! 

Onsite registration is open until 14th March at 17:00 CET, unless the venue reaches full capacity beforehand.

Online registration is open until 12 noon on 16th March.

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, we will not be able to accept late registrations or any registration requests that occur after the deadline has passed.

A reminder that the following COVID-19 restrictions are in place: 

  • A face mask is mandatory
  • All guests must present a COVID safe pass (certificate of vaccination or recovery) or a negative PCR test of max 48h to enter the onsite event. 


DAY 1 - Tuesday 22 March 2022


14:00  Welcome address

  • Axel Krein – Executive Director, Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking

14:05  Keynote 1: A view on European research and innovation in aviation

  • Mariya Gabriel – European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth (TBC)

14:20  Keynote 2: Reimagining sustainable aviation

  • Zara Rutherford – Youngest female pilot to fly solo around the world and the first person to complete a circumnavigation in a microlight aircraft after a five-month journey

14:35  Panel 1: Flying towards a green horizon: Clean Aviation takes off

  • Olivier Andriès – Chief Executive Officer, Safran
  • Maria da Graça Carvalho – Member of the European Parliament
  • Jean-Eric Paquet – Director General for Research and Innovation, European Commission
  • Willie Walsh – Director General, International Air Transport Association (IATA)

Questions from the audience

15:35  Coffee break

15:50  Keynote 3: Leveraging our European potential

  • Thierry Breton – European Commissioner for Internal Market (TBC)

16:05  Panel 2: Meet the innovation architects of aviation

  • Anke Kaysser-Pyzalla – Chair of the Executive Board, DLR 
  • Eric Dalbiès – Senior Executive Vice President R&T and Innovation, Safran
  • Sabine Klauke – Chief Technical Officer, Airbus
  • Henri Werij – Dean of the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, TU Delft 
  • Ivo Boscarol – Chief Executive Officer, Pipistrel

Questions from the audience

16:50  Keynote 4: A new era for aviation

  • Jean-Baptiste Djebbari – Minister Delegate to the Minister of Ecological Transition, in charge of Transport, France (TBC)
  • Guillaume Faury – Chief Executive Officer, Airbus

17:15  Europe in conversation with European Commissioner Adina Vălean

  • European Commissioner for Transport

17:45  Drinks

DAY 2 - Wednesday 23 March 2022

08:15  Registration and welcome coffee

09:00  Opening

  • Axel Krein – Executive Director, Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking

09:05  Keynote Session: Future perspectives and challenges for aviation towards climate-neutral aviation

  • Grazia Vittadini – CTO, Rolls-Royce


09:20  Session 1: Regional Aircraft and Helicopters – Q&As

  • José Luis López Díez – Head of Architecture & Integration, Airbus Defense and Space
  • Tomasz Kryzinski – Vice President Research & Innovation, Airbus Helicopters
  • Clive Scott – Head of Programs, Leonardo


10:10  Session 2: Short & Medium Range Aircraft – Q&As

  • Laurent Thomasson – Clean Aviation Coordinator and CTO representative, Airbus
  • Philippe Rostand – Vice President R&T and Future Projects, Dassault Aviation
  • Markus Fischer – Divisional Board Member for Aeronautics, DLR

11:10  Coffee break

11:30  Session 3: Hybrid Electric Regional Aircraft – Q&As

  • Marco Protti – Head of Advanced Research, Leonardo Aircraft
  • Nathalie Duquesne – Managing Director, Liebherr Aerospace

12:05  Session 4: Propulsion Efficiency and Hydrogen Powered Aircraft – Q&As

  • Jérôme Bonini – Vice President of R&T, Safran Aicraft Engines
  • Alan Newby – Director of Aerospace Technology and Future Programmes, Rolls-Royce
  • Dr. Martin Metscher – Director Technology Management, MTU Aero Engines

13:00  Networking lunch

14:00  Call Launch Event – Clean Aviation

  • General overview, call details and how to participate – Q&A

16:30  Closing

  • Axel Krein – Executive Director, Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking

16:35  Cocktail reception


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