2 news Flying-Cam : Apple Vision Pro Spatial Computer flying with SARAH 6 & Flying-Cam DISCOVERY UAV System Wins Tender for Japan Atomic Energy Agency

Apple Vision Pro Spatial Computer flying with Flying-Cam SARAH 60

FLYING-CAM is excited to announce its latest endeavor in collaboration with the tech giant Apple, marking a significant leap in immersive storytelling and spatial computing technology. FLYING-CAM is now ramping up field production for the creation of Apple Vision Pro immersive content.

"Partnering with Apple represents a groundbreaking opportunity for FLYING-CAM," says Emmanuel Prévinaire, CEO and Founder of FLYING-CAM. "We are thrilled to embark on this journey, combining our 36 years expertise in aerial cinematography with Apple's innovative technology to push the boundaries of immersive storytelling and spatial computing."

This partnership merges FLYING-CAM's expertise in unmanned aerial systems with Apple's innovative vision. After two years of extensive testing and evaluation of drones worldwide, Apple has selected FLYING-CAM as the reference provider, with the specially developed "Flying-Cam SARAH 60" : a single-rotor electric UAV that stood out as the best solution for its ability to fly over extreme landscapes with unmatched stability, precision and image quality.

Together, they have captured, amidst Norway's fjords, the daring highlining challenge of extreme-sport athlete Faith Dickey. The footage has been featured in the inaugural episode of Apple Immersive Video's "Adventure" series. This immersive experience, with the Apple Vision Pro, has received praise from early adopters, recognized as a breathtaking experience, unprecedented in 3D content.

The collaboration between FLYING-CAM and Apple, for the Apple Vision Pro, reflects their joint dedication to transforming technology. They never stop to pioneer innovations, push limits, and seize fresh opportunities in the field. Audiences can look forward to more immersive and captivating experiences in the near future.

About Apple :

Since 1976, Apple has led innovation with iconic products like the iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch, demonstrating its commitment to pushing technological boundaries and enriching lives worldwide. Recently, Apple unveiled its latest product, the Apple Vision Pro, showcasing its dedication to advancing immersive storytelling and spatial computing while maintaining its reputation for sleek design and user-focused technology. This groundbreaking platform seamlessly integrates digital experiences into the physical world, setting new standards in augmented reality innovation.


FLYING-CAM, founded in 1988, began creating the first Oscar® and EMMY® Award-winning flying camera. As a proven world leader in 25kg to 150kg single rotor VTOL Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), FLYING-CAM is currently in a market scale-up phase and keep developing its Products towards Airborne Intelligence with its proprietary Autopilot. While strictly adhering to Aviation Standards, the Flying-Cam's flexible multi-application platforms are recognized by the most demanding Clients: NASA, French Navy, Skeyes, Game of Thrones, Apple...

Flying-Cam DISCOVERY UAV System Wins Tender for Japan Atomic Energy Agency

2024_Flying-Cam Discovery UAV

The Flying-Cam DISCOVERY UAV System has been selected as the primary solution for the decommissioning efforts at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. Following an extensive and competitive tender process, the Japan Atomic Energy Agency has entrusted this critical task to the DISCOVERY UAV System, marking a significant advancement in nuclear site monitoring technology.

The DISCOVERY UAV System's Long-Range Unmanned Helicopter has been chosen for its unparalleled performance and precision. This decision highlights the system's exceptional ability to meet the rigorous demands of nuclear site monitoring.

In a collaborative effort with the FLYING-CAM R&D Team, the DISCOVERY UAV System will undergo meticulous customization to integrate specific payloads tailored to the unique challenges of the Fukushima Daiichi decommissioning mission.

"We are honored that the Japan Atomic Energy Agency has chosen the DISCOVERY UAV System for this critical task," said Emmanuel Prévinaire, CEO and Founder at FLYING-CAM. "This decision validates our system's capabilities and its suitability for the demanding requirements of nuclear site monitoring. We are committed to working closely with our partners to ensure the success of this mission and contribute to the safe and effective decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station."

The selection of the DISCOVERY UAV System for the Fukushima Daiichi decommissioning mission marks a significant milestone in the field of nuclear decommissioning technology. With its advanced capabilities and commitment to innovation, the DISCOVERY UAV System is positioned to play a pivotal role in ensuring the success of this critical undertaking.

About JAEA :
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is a key institution dedicated to nuclear science and technology. Founded in 2005, JAEA is committed to safety and collaboration, conducting vital researchn as well as ensuring advancements in nuclear energy and related fields.

FLYING-CAM, founded in 1988, is a world leader in single rotor VTOL Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) between 25 kg and 150 kg. Currently in a market scale-up phase, FLYING-CAM keeps developing its Products towards Airborne Intelligence.
While strictly adhering to Aviation Standards, the Flying-Cam's flexible multi-application platforms are recognized by the most demanding clients: NASA, French Navy, Skeyes, Apple...


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