Beblue is proposing testing capabilities with cryogenic fluids, namelly Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen both liquid or gazeous.

Beblue has a great expertise based on more than 3 decades in cryo tests.

We support our customer along their development from engineering support, material characterization to complex tests including test rig design.

Beblue is one of the 3 recognized ESA test centers.


Material Characterization 

•Pin-on-disk tests in gaseous and liquid environments (N2, O2, H2, He)

•Impact tests for material compatibility (LOx)

•Auto-ignition tests in Gox (120 bars , up to 500°C)

•Adiabatic compression test up to 1000 bars

•High cycling fatigue under cryogenic conditions (update for 2022)

•Cryogenic compatibility


Fully operational benches for tests in real dynamic conditions for space engine components

•Dynamic seals



•Liquid or gaseous nitrogen and  oxygen.

•Gaseous hydrogen

•700+ sensors and measurement lines

Focus on H2 based systems testing:

•Fuel cells with ULiege

•H2 distribution & storage (composite)

OUR EXPERTISE to support your business

•Engineering office with strong expertise in testing :


•Expertise support

•Design capabilities for specific test rigs

•Test rigs integration & design

•Project management

•Test management & reporting

30+ years experience in cryotechnic technologies