Founded in 1872, the Walloon Agricultural Research Centre (CRA-W) is a Public Research Organization (PRO) offering a multidisciplinary scientific expertise in the fields of the agriculture and the agrofood industry

The Agriculture and Natural Environment Department and the Production and Sectors Department cover various activities:
- Technico-economic research on GNSS-based systems and TIC (busCAN, ISOBUS) for agricultural machinery (navigation aids, auto-guidance, field operations) to reduce inputs (pesticides, fertilizers, energy) while increasing worker’s comfort.
- Applications of the Earth Observation to the crop management at field and regional levels (biomass assessment and environmental indicators), models and Decision Support Systems (e.g. crop nitrogen status) using temporal, multi-sensors information and assimilation techniques.
- Earth Observation services for crop growth monitoring and crop damage assessment Systems for crop yield estimations and natural risk management.
Rue de Liroux, 9
5030 Gembloux
+32 (0)81 87 41 61
Axes stratégiques
Économie des données, Intelligence Artificielle
Secteurs d’activités