I-MAGE Consult is a private company founded in 1994, run by a multi-disciplinary team of engineers, geographers and computer scientists. The company has acquired a great number of experiences in the mapping of renewable natural resources in land management and in the field of Geomatics (GIS and satellite image processing).
The company has acquired a strong experience thanks to the numerous project conducted throughout the world.

I-MAGE Consult provides services and consultancies in the following areas:
- The development of GIS and EIS, data archiving, management and dissemination of information (Web Mapping and decision making tools);
- The collection (field surveys) and processing of remote sensing data;
- Earth observation derived data production and diffusion;
- IT developments and implementation of software packages;
- Environmental studies, land management;
- Spatial analyses, land-use mapping;
- Capacity building and training.
I-MAGE is delivering solutions (data and software products/services) in Earth Observation, Geographic Information Systems and Geo-informatics, R&D to private/public organizations.
The company has acquired a great deal of experience in the mapping of natural resources and the management and dissemination of information. Our expertise can be summarized through a workflow process that goes from the processing of satellite images through GIS implementation and data integration, thematic analysis and applications, technology transfer.
This leads to the development of dedicated applications and decision making tools eventually correlated to Web mapping interfaces. Free Open Source software are often favoured using standards solutions, although proprietary solutions are also developed when required. While a majority of the projects are referring
to Africa (French speaking as well as English speaking), important projects have been achieved in Europe, Asia, the Caribbean and Oceania.
Rue de Gembloux, 122
5002 Saint-Servais