CRM Group is a private, non-profit, applied research & development center. CRM Group has a high level of expertise in metal industry,  surface treatment, innovative design, hybrid & additive manufacturing...

Innovation, Industrial solutions and a Vision for the future are the wachtwords of the +290 employees of the Centre for Research in Metallurgy spread over 11 sites. Since 1948, CRM Group has been supporting its customers from the creation of ideas to the implementation of innovative solutions by responding to their industrial challenges, whether economic, societal or environmental.

In addition to its historical steel mission, CRM Group has added missions on current challenges, divided into 5 platforms: circular economy, energy transition, digitalisation, advanced manufacturing and construction. 

CRM is involved in several projects and programs for AEROSPACE and DEFENCE industries allowing CRM to develop an extensive expertise :

  • In the field of hybrid and additive manufacturing :
    • Surface processing of parts made by AM (titanium, aluminium, iron-based alloys, etc.);
    • Development of alloys (aluminium and titanium) for additive manufacturing;
    • New additive manufacturing processes (direct energy deposition; laser and arc deposition methods, cold spray);
    • New repair processes (direct energy deposition, cold spray, etc.);
  • In the field of functional and printed electronics :
    • Development of integrated sensors on metals;
    • Conductive and non-conductive layers for different applications (anti-icing, oleds, wiring, etc.);
  • In the field of coatings :
    • Thermal spray and HVOF coating systems and cold spray;
    • Anti-wear or anti-corrosion coatings;
  • Phase change materials heat storage devices devoted to electronic thermal stability (for satellites, rockets, drones, missiles, etc).