Multitel is an innovation centre, leading applied research and development activities for industry leaders and SMEs.

Multitel’s mission is to promote innovation by providing market-driven scientific and technical support for developing, implementing and monitoring new technologies, in a variety of technological domains
More precisely for aerospace sector, activities of Multitel concern:
- prototyping of optical fibre sensors for SHM (Structural Health Monitoring), fibre lasers (for LIDAR applications), material processing (composite materials, surface texturisation) and non-destructive characterization (THz, OCT), custom optoelectronic systems
(speech oriented) HMI for aeronautics
GCS/ BVLOS-UAV Radiocoms systems (5G, Wifi-Halow, STANAG 7085, STANAG 4660)
- Cognitive wireless data link on embedded Software Defined Radio (SDR)
- Antenna design & integration in airborne structure (EMC included)
- Electronically steerable antenna design and caracterisation
certifiable navigation (DO-178, DO-254, certifiable AI)
satellite based IoT systems
satellite/drone image processing (visible, IR, hyperspectral,…)
image oriented non-destructive quality control.
Parc Initialis - Rue Pierre et Marie Curie 2
7000 Mons