BCRC, the Belgian Ceramic Research Center, has a proven expertise in the field of technical ceramics and metal-ceramic composites.

In order to provide state of the art support to the industry, our experts rely on 2 technological platforms. The sintering platform proposes several densification techniques (SPS, Gas Pressure Sintering, HIP, HP…) to address all kind of ceramics oxides, nitrides, borides, carbides... The second platform gathers original rapid manufacturing technologies: selective laser melting, laser cladding, inkjet printing, laser and hydrid milling.
Avenue Gouverneur Cornez 4
7000 Mons
+32 (0)65 40 34 34
+32 (0)65 40 34 60
Axes stratégiques
Matériaux & Procédés Innovants
Simulation, modélisation et moyens d'essais
Domaines d'activités
Additive Manufacturing - parts
Other Raw Materials