Cenaero is a private non-profit applied research center and provides to companies involved in a technology innovation process numerical simulation methods and tools to invent and design more competitive products. Internationally recognized, in particular through its research partnership with Safran, Cenaero is mainly active in the fields of Aerospatial, Energy, Manufacturing, Buildings and Smart Cities.

Cenaero provides expertise and engineering services for high performance composites, optimization and uncertainty quantification, multidisciplinary topology optimization, metallic manufacturing processes modeling, high resolution computational fluid dynamics, hypersonic flows and ablative materials, thermo-fluid processes and systems modeling, turbomachinery design, and high performance computing.
Cenaero also provides software through its massively parallel multi-physics platform Argo, its manufacturing process simulation and crack propagation platform Morfeo and its design space exploration and optimization platform Minamo.
Cenaero operates the Tier-1 Walloon supercomputing infrastructure, named "Lucia", of a capacity close to 4 PFlops on a mixed CPU and GPU architecture . More information: www.https://tier1.cenaero.be/en
Cenaero is certified against the EN 9100:2018 and ISO 9001:2015 standards.
Rue des Frères Wright 29
6041 Gosselies