ID2Move organizes on May 19 in Nivelles a symposium on new technologies for autonomous systems

The goals are to...

  • discuss about new technologies linked to autonomous systems (flying, driving, diving) ;
  • share information about current stages of research/R&D ;
  • link companies, universities and research centers and make them work together.

The event will be split in 3 periods :

  • morning: pitches of university departments about what they are working on and which stage of development they achieved.
  • lunch: poster session for universities and booth for companies.
  • afternoon: companies pitch problems they face and kind of solutions they are looking for.

All day long, booths can be visited by the participants.

Fee : 25€ to attend (lunch and coffee breaks included), 50€ for a poster, 200€ for a 12m² booth. Free for ID2Move members and speakers.

Language : English

Registration : Symposium on Autonomous systems : Symposium on Autonomous systems : Where Companies meet Universities Billets, Le jeu 19 mai 2022 à 09:00 | Eventbrite

Topics (morning session):

  1. Propulsion systems, Batteries & Energy management
  2. Data processing & Connectivity
  3. Embedded intelligence
  4. BVLOS, Collision avoidance systems & Air traffic integration

Keynote by Onera

Morning speakers from ULB, Cetic, VKI, ULiège, UNamur, Multitel, UMons, UCLouvain, Royal Military Academy.

Companies confirmed for the afternoon session : Stratos, Dynali, SkeyDrone

LinkedIn page :




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