Euro Heat Pipes becomes EHP

On April 3rd 2023, to reflect the growth of our company, “Euro Heat Pipes” brand evolves towards “EHP”. EHP started as a “heat pipes” company focused on European market and is now delivering a wide variety of thermal & mechanical products to a worldwide customer base.

To highlight our focus on Space sector, our website will be updated to, as well as our email addresses. Our new logo is also presented in this newsletter.  

EHP, with around 100 highly skilled employees, develops, qualifies and manufactures thermal & mechanical components/systems for spacecraft based on two-phase heat transfer technology (such as heat pipes and loop heat pipes) and deployable equipment.  

EHP is the leader in two-phase thermal control for space application market, with a demonstrated production capacity of 4.000+ heat pipes per year and per shift. EHP products are embarked on a wide variety of European, North American & Asian spacecraft, from constellations (like OneWeb) to cutting edge science missions (like Juice probe to Jupiter or fundamental physics study spacecraft). 

A new office building & post address

To support our growth, we are building a major extension of our premises, which will be fully completed later in 2023. These new areas bring our facilities to 10.000m² (2.000m² Clean Room) and include a new office building, as well as a dedicated entity for R&D activities. A major part of our new production area is already functional since summer 2022.

April 11th 2023 is an important step as we move in our new office building. Starting from April 11th 2023, all deliveries and visitors access will be welcomed at 9 rue de la science, 1400 Nivelles, Belgium, which corresponds to our new office building (same production site as before, but new entrance at 450m, on another side of the block)




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