(11.00-12.00) Webinar - Recycling/Circular Economy

The competitiveness clusters Skywin (BE), MecaTech (BE), Materalia (FR) and the Luxembourg Materials & Manufacturing Cluster by Luxinnovation (LU) are joining forces in order to promote technological collaborations between their members.


The objective is to boost the setting-up of R&D projects involving larges companies, SMEs and RTOs from our respective ecosystems in the Greater Region. Links will be made with relevant European and Interregional funding opportunities (Era-Net, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe, etc…).


In this context, a series of 3 webinars (1, 8 & 15 October) covering topics of mutual interest will be organised throughout October. The scope will be further specified later but the times and dates are set as per the webinar calendar below.


Each webinar will feature information about funding opportunities, member testimonials, and project ideas.

Session 2: Recycling/Circular Economy (Oct 8 - 11.00/12.00)

Register here - Agenda will follow



Session 3: Digitalisation and human robot collaboration (Oct 15) - Register here.



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