Space space


ISSeP has a legacy of over 100 years of research and expertise in environmental monitoring in Wallonia. It is the worthy successor to the Mining Institute (1902-47), the National Institute of Coal Industries (INICHar-1947-67), and the National Institute of Extraction Industries (INUEx-1967-90). The Institute supports administrations and private companies in risk assessment and environmental metrology, with networks for air, waters, soil, waste, sediments, and ionizing radiations.


Located only a few steps away from one of the best cyclotrons in Europe, Incize provides radiation hardness characterization and modelling services. The ability to characterize devices immediately after irradiation can be crucial in some experiments. Therefore, proximity of our labs to the cyclotron is an important added value.

Our experts provide the following services:


The Higher Education Institution of the Province of Liège awards a wide range of Master and Bachelor Degrees in many subjects.

Whatever the field of study, our Institution offers trainings combining theoretical and practical aspects as it allows students to carry out field placements and meet the professionals.

From their very first year of studies, students are confronted with the real and professional world and are provided with efficient tools to do so.


Euro Space Center has become a leader in Belgium for the dissemination of knowledge about space sciences and technologies.

Euro Space Center is open to the general public all year round and also welcomes trainees from 30 different countries. The goal is to spark a love for the sciences and innovation.

Euro Space Center and its high-tech environment are unique in Europe.


CSL activities are organized in 3 programs:

Tests: characterization and qualification of space hardware in severe environment.

Space Systems: definition, design, integration, ground and flight calibration of scientific payloads under the authority of Space Agencies (ESA, NASA, JAXA...).

Technology: research & development support in the following fields: Optical Design & Metrology, Mechanical & Thermal

Signal Processing


CRM Group is an R&D organization active in the field of metal and steel production with the mission to develop new processes, products and applications. CRM was funded in 1948 to become the collective research Centre for the Steel and Non-Ferrous Metal Industries with laboratories and pilot facilities located at Liège and Gent. CRM Group employs 275 employees and researchers.


 Activities and experience

Aerospacelab is a Belgium "new space" scale-up founded in 2018  by Benoît Deper. The company’s vision is to enhance efficiency across markets by making geospatial intelligence both actionable and affordable. With the objective of becoming the European leader in satellite-based intelligence, Aerospacelab follows a vertically integrated approach, developing expertise both in upstream and downstream markets.   

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