Space space


The objective of the ACTIO project is to respond to the evolution of observation instruments towards more commercial environments by addressing two areas of research:

  • Increase the spatial resolution of the instruments while keeping them in microsatellites;
  • Develop economically attractive solutions, applicable to many commercial spatial RFI.

Specifically, the project aims at:


Research and developments proposed in this project « S@T » address important trends in the Aeronautic and Space sectors : 


The project U.A.C. aims at building an air-conditioned hangar for large size and high-precision machining operations.
Since the beginning of the SW_UAC project many clients show interest for machining opportunities in air-conditioned hangar. It actually turns out that there are very few companies that offer this capability.

This investment has also enabled the acquisition of a very large machine. The purchase was made in order to provide expertise and an increasingly accurate and reliable manufacturing process.


The objective is to provide a new generation of Earth observation instruments which will allow the development of a broader set of applications.

The client, typically an emerging country, will use the data provided by the satellite for various useful purposes useful to its development.

To meet this trend, we must use more sensors (panchromatic, hyperspectral and infrared) and comply with the constraint of using a micro-satellite required to combine these sensors in a single instrument.


SW_SOCOEV project addresses the needs of the space market. In this project, the partners combine their expertise in numerical multi-physics simulation and characterization of behavior laws of materials like glue, and equipment testing and optical measurements, to meet new challenges in designing innovative opto-mechanical systems.


The SALTO project aims to develop an adaptive optics solution that is financially accessible to the majority of scientific observatories. To achieve this, the partners will adapt the adaptive optical technology with laser guide star already developed for large scale expensive telescopes to medium-sized industrialized telescopes (2 to 4 m).

Beyond scientific applications, this technology will also allow the development of an autonomous adaptive optics system for the promising market of optical space telecommunications.


Within the FASOPT project, the Walloon SME’s involved in the project aim to develop a new generation of optical systems for earth observation embedded on micro-satellites. 

These optical systems are designed and optimized to be manufactured by 3D printing technology (metallic and ceramic materials). This allows the production of very innovative shapes of extremely light mirrors integrating several functions.


The project aims at the development of new concepts of smart panels for Space applications. 

The objective is to simplify satellites structures manufacturing by integrating new functionalities within the panels: this should result in cost reduction in assembly phase as well as weight saving. 


The project consists in the development of an embedded atomic clock. In GPS or Galileo navigation systems, atomic clocks that are onboard satellites are the essence of the system: they condition the accuracy of the geo-positioning. Those clocks are also used onboard various scientific satellites and essential to the success of the mission.  

In the SW_AHM project, the original idea is to develop  and build a brand new type of atomic clock : with small dimensions and low weight, this new atomic clock based on active hydrogen maser could be sent in Space. 


Taking advantage of ambitious ESA programs such as the SENTINEL European mission, the SW_EOREGIONS project’s main objective is to develop a range of innovative services in the field of Dynamic Territory Monitoring. Those services will target both professional (experts) and non-professional  users. 

In order to reach this objective, the project must:

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