Since the launch of the Skywin competitiveness cluster in 2006, its organisers have constantly adapted and improved their structure to match the needs of Walloon companies as closely as possible. Aeronautics and space companies, soon joined by those working in drones and defence. Four sectors are now clearly identified in Skywin's strategy.
This development requires constant review, and the one just concluded is crucial since it has led to a complete overhaul of the cluster's technology themes (now known as Strategic Action Areas). From now on, Skywin's work will revolve around the following Areas:
• Structures, propulsion and flying subsystems
• Innovative materials and processes
• On-board and communicating systems
• Data economics, artificial intelligence
• Simulation, modelling and test facilities
These themes were not just random choices. They are the result of lengthy discussions involving a number of relevant players at the cluster. Skywin has also been monitoring events at its international partners, other foreign hubs or clusters operating in the same environment as our businesses. This participatory methodology guides the process to more relevant conclusions.
Finally, let us review the core missions of the cluster: innovation, training and internationalisation. These three historic missions are now joined by a fourth: the development of ecosystems, including the development, or scaling-up, of businesses.
A new direction for the coming years, with and for all players in Wallonia...