Space space


The companies represented by Agoria are active in 8 markets (Transport & Mobility Technology Solutions, Machine Construction & Production Systems Technology Solutions, Food & Beverage Technology Solutions, Healthcare Technology Solutions, Financial Services Technology Solutions, Sports & Entertainment Events Technology Solutions, Building & Urban Development Technology Solutions, Energy Technology Solutions) and 5 industries (Building Contracting & Technical Services Industries, Manufacturing Industries, Materials Industries, Aeronautics, Space, Security & Defenc


WSL as worldwide awarded Incubator is member of the consortium "Galaxia Space Innovation" with Skywin, Liège Space Center and Idelux (the sustainable economic development agency of the Belgian Luxembourg province and Luxembourg). 


The company employs about 190 people of 22 different nationalities with an average age of 40, one third being women. Its headquarters are in Transinne, in the Galaxia Space Park, and establishments are present in the Netherlands, in Luxembourg and in the Czech Republic.


The company operates in the Space and Earth observation applications sectors, serving Space agencies, government departments, major aerospace companies, European institutions as well as the commercial market.

SPACEBEL is active in several domains including Earth observation, Space flight, science, telecoms, navigation, exploration, launchers, balloons and Space situational awareness.


What are your needs in satellite communications?

a) Enabling Satellite Businesses, Innovative solutions. You have in mind services involving satellite communications, navigation and/or earth observation: Our value proposition involves secure communications tailored to customer needs including cybersecurity services to make sure the satellite network is protected to the highest standards.

Case Studies:


Location-Based Services development

The applications of satellite radio navigation systems (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO) have increased dramatically in recent years. M3 Systems Belgium has specialized in the development of location-based services that require a high performance level and the capability to provide a measure of the positioning information level of confidence.

Satellite signal processing


The growth in laser marking applications is driven by an increasing need for part identification and traceability, for aircraft manufacturers, for instance. Product identification, in the form of simple alphanumerics to complicated graphics and codes, is proven to reduce costly errors, man-hours, and material waste.

Laser technology has proven to be the most consistent, high-speed, effective manner of permanent identification for the smallest industrial pieces.

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