Aero aero


JD'C Innovation is a company with a social purpose (integration into working life of people with disabilities or reduced school career) active in the fields of aerospace, defense, medical, automotive , ... In these sectors, the company realizes composite parts.

In order to provide a more comprehensive service to its customers or additional outsourcing services, JDC will acquire the skills needed for Non Destructive Testing (NDT) for manufactured parts without undermining their integrity.


The project U.A.C. aims at building an air-conditioned hangar for large size and high-precision machining operations.
Since the beginning of the SW_UAC project many clients show interest for machining opportunities in air-conditioned hangar. It actually turns out that there are very few companies that offer this capability.

This investment has also enabled the acquisition of a very large machine. The purchase was made in order to provide expertise and an increasingly accurate and reliable manufacturing process.


The test benches for aircraft engines allow to perform engine tests of three different types:

  • turbojets,
  • turbofans, 
  • the turboprops / turboshafts (or turbine).

Each type of engine uses a very high amount of energy from the combustion of fuels, and transforms it into different forms of energy:


The research on weight reduction led Techspace Aero to develop a new type of rotor for its low pressure compressors, the Bladed druM, abbreviated BluM®. Lightweight and innovative, this rotor will participate in the preparation of new generation boosters which the Walloon company has made a specialty for.


The project’s objective is to develop an advanced platform for certification under extreme vibration environments, such as components for aircraft engines. Indeed, the new aviation requirements demand ever higher optimization for new components of aircraft engines. This implies more and more sophisticated numerical simulations with reduced security coefficients. Therefore, these calculations require, more than ever, experimental validations.


The objective of the project is to combine the competences of various Walloon partners to conduct research for the development of a Smart-Pod System : it refers to an embedded container for aircrafts, carrying a machine gun and 12.7mm guided rocket tubes .

This development will be done in parallel with the development of the viewfinder Hudi, launched by FN Herstal, and its functional connection.

Regarding Smart-Pod, the lines of research are: 


The steady increase in air traffic generates more and more important passengers flow in the airports. All players, airport’s managers, airlines or intervention services seek to improve the processes to better meet the growing expectations of customers and to improve security in airport facilities and aircraft.

For this purpose, the SW_PEGASO project aims at developing several innovative technological building blocks to provide a hybrid and autonomous “indoor” positioning capability within an airport area, namely:


The project's objective is to achieve a greater integration of composite materials in the low-pressure compressor , major product of Techspace Aero. Research will be conducted through three axes covering the entire lifecycle of the product.

A first axis "Design & Integration" is oriented towards an extension of the composite technology for  large size engines. These activities will open the market of large (commercial) engines and therefore large compressors, where the impact of the contribution of composites is the most spectacular in terms of weight reduction.


Based on the cluster strategy redefinition work, it was asked to cluster's companies to identify their training needs. To maintain or improve their performance and to get successful R&D and investments projects, the challenge was to identify the goals and objectives of the training actions that will have to be conducted.

Trainings requested by companies and included in the SW_CAMPUSS project are essential for improving the skills of workers, their profitability and thus improving the productivity of their companies.


The market covered by the project is currently experiencing a strong growth. On one hand, the economic environment is very favorable to the development of more automated means of production in the sector of aeronautical composites, specifically of manufacturing processes in out-of-autoclave closed molds. Both engines (CFM Leap, etc.) and aircraft structures (A350, B787 ) are covered by these innovative means of production.

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