
Calyos is a leading expert in the design and manufacture of two-phase thermal management systems. Calyos specifically focuses on loop heat pipes, micro-channel heat pipes and pulsating heat pipes. Calyos has developed several solutions for three specific cooling applications: power electronics, processors, and batteries. Calyos also develops custom solutions beyond those applications for example, engine oil heat recovery.


Le projet ViBra (Virtal Braiding) vise à développer des solutions numériques qui supporteront et optimiseront l’utilisation de machines de tressage (braiding) permettant la production automatisé de préformes sèches pour matériaux composites à section tubulaire. Ces machines sont en effet très difficiles à utiliser, mais leur caractère automatisé est un élément clé dans la démocratisation de l’utilisation des composites.

OplusR salle blanche

Salle propre 4.0

Produire en salle propre suppose un contrôle des paramètres en matière de pressions, d’humidité, de renouvellements d’air, etc. L'évolution récente montre un besoin accru d’archivage et le développement de logiciels de contrôle et de reporting. Nous avons développé une gestion 4.0 de nos installations, O+R est ainsi informée en temps réel, de plus, chaque jour nos clients reçoivent un fichier imprimable avec l'ensemble des valeurs de la journée. L'ensemble des données étant sécurisé 10 ans sur un serveur infraudable.


The activity is done on each of the following industrial methods used to check the quality of the material (usually Steel, Aluminum or Titanium alloy and composite parts)

  • Liquid penetrant (PT)
  • Magnetic particle (MT)
  • Thermography (IRT)
  • Shearography (ST)
  • Eddy current (ET)
  • Ultrasonic (UT)
  • Radiography (RT)


For each method, Level 3 from NDTPRO must:


ID2Move supports the development of aerial, ground and maritime autonomous systems (with a specialization in drones) and the innovative technologies around (AI, IoT, sensors, etc.).

The indoor zone measures 670 sq. m. and is 8 m high. The floor is fully removable and can be fitted with sensors. Inside this room, a 10x10x6 m block is equipped with motion capture cameras.

The outdoor area consists of 4 ha of tarmac, to which a 2 ha automobile circuit managed by the RACB (Royal Automobile Club Belgium) can be added.


In a context of significant growth of air traffic, aircraft manufacturers face new economic and environmental challenges of commercial aircraft.  LAWITECS project, bringing together manufacturers such as SONACA, IONICS, MICROMEGA DYNAMICS and LASEA, proposes to develop Natural Laminar Flow technology applied to the wing leading edges in order to reduce fuel consumption of a medium-haul type A320 aircraft between 5 and 12% by 2025.


The aerodynamic market is a highly competitive market where the environmental constraints take an increasing place.  Mastering the part tolerancing will contribute to strengthening the Walloon industry by proposing more environmentally friendly products (with a lower consumption) without jeopardizing the currently high level of reliability and economic performance.



Dans le secteur aéronautique en particulier mais aussi dans tous les autres secteurs, les matériaux composites se généralisent. Le comportement de ces matériaux à l’impact est particulièrement complexe et mal maîtrisé.

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