First plenary EDA CAPTECH AIR meeting that will take place on Friday November 8th, 2024 in Leuven.


Location: Luciad NV, Arenberg Science Park, Gaston Geenslaan 11, 3001 Leuven


For more information on the CapTech AIR : Capability Technology Areas (CapTechs) (europa.eu)


The dynamic within the EDA CapTechs is “bi-directional”. There is a) a top-down capability driven technology pull and b) a bottom-up technology push through the EU Industry DTIB (Defence Technological and Industrial Base). During this plenary session, the CapTech National Coordinator (CNC) for AIR – Col. Geert Mariën – will explain in greater detail the structure of this CapTech and the projects , both ongoing and proposed. Subsequently, Agoria BSDI will explain in greater detail how we plan to build a structural cooperation between the industry and the CNC and how we plan to organize different working groups through which we can prepare that bottom-up driven ‘Technology Push’.  


Within the CapTech AIR, there is (besides the ‘classic’ AIR-domain related technologies) a strong dynamic around unmanned (drone / remote carrier) technologies for a variety of applications. Hence, we also like to welcome companies with specific technologies and expertise in this unmanned domain.


Preliminary Agenda:

09:30h - 10:00h : welcome 

10:00h – 11:15h : EDA CAPTECH AIR plenary session by Col. Geert Marien (Belgian Defence) + Q&A

11:15h – 12:00h : How to build a structural cooperation between the CNC and the Belgian DTIB

12:00h – 14:00h : Lunch for all participants followed by a meet & great between FLAG & SKYWIN drone ecosystems