Micromega Dynamics is specialized in the development and manufacturing of vibration monitoring systems, vibration reduction, high-precision mechanisms and structural control mechatronic devices.
We mostly offer products or full deployable solutions, but also engineering services related to vibration troubleshooting, the customization of our products and developments based on customers’ requirements.

Micromega Dynamics' solutions have been deployed in demanding environments such as on-shore and off-shore wind turbines, railways, quarries, construction works, rotating machinery, outdoor structures and large telescopes where performance and reliability are essential.
In addition to off-the-shelf products, Micromega proposes engineering services in order to help you to design, manufacture and implement dedicated industrial solutions in the field of on-line monitoring, vibration reduction and high-precision mechanisms.
With hundreds of customers all over the world, we have a background of 20 years in the design and production of mechatronic devices for monitoring and reducing structural vibrations.
Rotating Machinery
Vibration Reduction Machines are now being operated at increasing rotational speeds and loads and under increasingly severe operating conditions, leading to excessive machine vibrations, hence the failure of sensitive components. Usually, situations with excessive vibrations can be solved by proper alignment and balancing techniques. But there are cases where structural resonances are excited by the machine operation resulting in a significant increase of the overall vibration level. This high vibration level can bring the machine out of its safe operating area as advised in standards such as ISO 20816 (formerly ISO 10816).
Semiconductor industry
Rue du trou du Sart, 10
5380 Fernelmont